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Mother Goddess Pallas Athena

Athena is the most revered and most loved of all the Gods. She is especially revered because she created all of the forms of life on the planet except for the Gainese. She is highly worshipped by the Shinto people and Temples are built for her everywhere. When you speak her name you must always use Mother Goddess Pallas Athena for she is the mother of all life.

Story of Creation

Tellawow created all of the planet of Gaban and it's moons. He formed mountains ravines and canyons. But he did not create life. Life was created by none other than the Goddess Athena. When the created life Tellawow became angry and jealous for he wanted to create life. And so he imprisoned her.

Story of the AnimalEdit

Tellawow dried up every last plant and animal except six. The Gryphon, the Dragon, The Bantha, the Godzilla, the Unicorn, and the very strange Shinto person. Tellawow seemed immured by this creature and decided to keep the name that Athena had given it, man, or Shinto. He liked all of the six animals but loved the one he called shinto. He copied them and made another, The Gainese. He believed that they were good spirits and could work for him and worship him

Story of DefianceEdit

But his love was not to last long for this animal called Shinto. He kicked them away and put them in the Desert that was of the planet. They lived like this for thousands of years until a young prince was born. He defied the god and went in search of the goddess Athena. He knew that Tellawow had hidden her away from them and in the pit he hid her. Once she was rescued Tellawow was vanquished from being god and was sent to be in-prisoned in the same place he had placed Athena. Athena then dripped her milk to the ground in which the entire planet was fertile once more and no longer a Barren Desert. She gave the planet lush vegetation and made more animals. She entrapped Tellawow in the same pit that he had her placed in.

The Story of the Gift

As a reward for saving her she would give a gift to the Prince who saved her. A gift he could not refuse for his courage and bravery. Athena gave the Prince immortality and asked him for his hand in marriage. He accepted and the two gave birth to five children who are now kings and queens of the Kingdoms and regions of the planet.


The Mother Goddess Pallas Athena has never mentioned how she was born or from who she came from. How ever in Athenian Canon written by a Kibbutzah Hermit in 456 A.U.K., Athena was born around 2 billion years before the war of the Big Bang, from whom she was born out of pure heart from the ancient Gods Phobos and Demos. How ever it is widely disputed whether the hermit was delusional as no sign has ever been found in any of the earliest of text nor as from the Goddess herself. Thus Athenians believe that their mother Goddess came from the rubble of the Big Bang and was a miracle unlike any other.


The Mother Goddess is always seen with a Pheasant(peacock) and a scorpion on the other. The scorpion represents the evil and death in the world, which the Mother Goddess Pallas Athena can protect us from so long as we believe in her. The Peacock represents the life that the mother Goddess Pallas Athena has given us. The universal Symbol of the Athenian Religion is the peacock how ever the owl is also regarded as extremely important.



Athena with St. Bishop

According to the Fourth book in the Big Book Of Ancient Gabanian Fables you are to pray south to where the Mother Goddess Lives, how ever the exception is you should pray towards the Temple of Athens were it is upon the holiest of shrines that the Mother Goddess Pallas Athena Lives in. The book of prayers offers countless ways to pray to the Mother Goddess.


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Athena with St. Bishop

The Mother Goddess Pallas Athena has had many husbands with whom she has had many children. She has married both Gods and Mortals but her main husband and co-ruler of the heavens has been the man she created so she wouldn't be lonely. St. Bishop the First. Athena has also married her own sons and grandsons and created children with them to.
