Gabaniki Wiki

The God Tellawow

Tellawow is the mighty and powerful God son of St. Bishop and the Mother Goddess Pallas Athena. When Athena Defined him and made life possible he ordered her imprisoned in a large pit that he made.

Story of the Animal[]

He dried up every last plant and animal except six. The Gryphon, the Dragon, The Bantha, the Godzilla, the Unicorn, and the very strange Shinto person. Tellawow seemed immused by this creature and decided to keep the name that Athena had given it, man, or Shinto. He liked all of the six animals but loved the one he called shinto. He copied them and made another, The Gainese. He believed that they were good spirits and could work for him and worship him

Story of Defiance[]

But his love was not to last long for this animal called Shinto. He kicked them away and put them in the Desert that was of the planet. They lived like this for thousands of years until a young prince was born. He defied the god and went in search of the godess Athena. He knew that Tellawow had hidden her away from them and in the pit he hid her. Once she was rescued Tellawow was banquished from being god and was sent to be inprisoned in the same place he had placed Athena. To this day he still rest in a sacred Tellawowian Temple on Lake Athens named after the Godess who intraped him.
